If you’re looking for a reliable, experienced homeopath in Brisbane, you’re in the right place! Here at Holistic Homeopathy, I work closely with you to achieve your optimum health through a unique and integrative approach to health healing.
Homeopathic treatments may help you to enjoy good health and even live a longer, more wholesome existence.
With more than 25 years experience, I can help you to manage your chronic health issues, and restore you to restore your health… naturally.
I also offer online consultations for overseas clients. Please visit our homeopathy online services
As a homeopath in Brisbane, I help women and men achieve their health back with strong focus on holistic health.
We help clients who are:
- Feeling tired and exhausted all the time.
- Struggling with digestive problems, Irritable Bowels or food intolerance.
- Gaining weight despite all efforts.
- Experiencing sleep problems, waking up with low energy in the mornings.
- Experiencing hormone imbalances or period problems.
- Prone to recurrent infections, low immunity, frequent flu or cold.
- Prone to seasonal allergies, nasal congestion or eczema.
- Suffering from aches and body pain, fatigue, weakness and lethargy
- Stressed, depressed, anxious or with poor stress threshold
- Experiencing chronic health issues or autoimmune disorders
- Experiencing brain fog, forgetfulness or low self-esteem
All these problems may just be a superficial reflection of deep chronic issues. Busy lifestyles, the food we eat, exposure to the polluted atmosphere, lack of exercise, deficiency of nutrients or heavy metal toxicity may also contribute factors to our chronic health issues.
How can homeopathy help?
Homeopathic treatments can help you to experience and reconnect with the profound healing power of your body. Homeopathy remedies can act upon your inner healing power in a gentle manner to heal from within and rebalance from the deep level.
As a homeopath in Brisbane, I look at treatment in a holistic way, taking into consideration of the mind, body and emotions
Homeopathy medicines are made from natural sources and they are ultra-diluted by a special technique called potentisation ( trituration/ or succussion). They are capable of stimulating our body’s own healing mechanisms.
If you’re looking for a homeopath in Brisbane to tailor your experience, now’s your chance!
Treatments are completely unique to each individual.
At homeopathy Brisbane, treatments are based on individualisation.
Every person is unique, so are his/her sufferings and peculiarities. The tenets of homeopathy start with concepts of total healing, not just pain relief or disappearance of skin complaint about a short period. But heals the deep-rooted fundamental cause of disease.
Instead of simply treating the body, a homeopathic practitioner like me, focuses on the whole person. The physical causes of symptoms are examined alongside the emotional and mental aspects of the disease to remove the barriers to wellness that keep many people feeling sick despite other medical interventions.
Homeopathic medicines will not ‘attack’ or ‘fight’ with the disease, Homeopathy focuses on building health and strengthening the immune system.
There are no active chemical or biological molecules in Homeopathic medicines that can harm your body, making it low risk to even new born babies. While treating one disease it never causes any harm to healthy organs and never produces another problem.
To know how you can benefit with treatments from your friendly local homeopath in Brisbane, please contact me 0402 675 683
(**NB. I do not treat any serious illness or severe infections. Any views or advice on this website should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice or treatment, especially if you know you have a specific health complaint.)